Mahi rangahau
Our research
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura believes in the power of community voice, and hearing from everyone in Takatāpui and Rainbow communities. We believe our many different lived experiences are best served by listening to each other, especially to those who do not always get to speak. Our research focuses on asking how we build Takatāpui and Rainbow communities without violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Aotearoa’s first Queer History Month |Pūmahara Ia Te Wā is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come in Aotearoa. In July 2024, Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura re-releases our 2016 research, complete with a report card on the last eight years. Family, partner and sexual violence continue to violate and harm our communities, and these grades reflect our focus on safety for victim-survivors.
Make it about us: Summary report
In 2024, we found out what victim-survivors wanted for a safer police response after violence…
Make it about us: Main report
In 2024, we found out what victim-survivors wanted for a safer police response after violence…
Healthy Relationships & Consent education
In 2021, we asked young people in our communities what they want and need from consent education…
Rainbow community free of violence
Our 2016 research is full of information about violence in Takatāpui & Rainbow….
Trans & gender diverse people
This 2017 research examined responses from trans and gender diverse people…
Disabled people in our communities
This 2017 research examined responses from disabled sex, sexuality and gender diverse…